Patrick Friesen
From: carrying the shadow. Beach Holme Publishing, 1999.
the man in the long coat licked stones memorizing the world's first fire
on his tongue
he didn't have time to speak though he had nothing else he hadn't
come to words
his slow hands hung from the stillness of his torn sleeves reaching only
to touch what he might remember
with his hands he carefully brushed dust from stones with his tongue
revealed their rose or cobalt blue
he walked outside town on gravel roads he walked outside love too close
to worship to say
around him earth's rubble and striations sign and witness of the forge
he longed to find
his mouth craving volcanoes the taste of ash and rain his mouth ground
stones in his sleep
I thought he would vanish one day spellbound in his cellar among the
coal and roots
I thought in the end he might walk into the river with his heavy pockets
but there was no such privilege for him
with the years I forgot him or he became a shape I couldn't see wandering
around town
I don't know if he took form again or if it was time for me to see but I saw
him emerge like a photograph in its bath
he was walking past the church he reeled suddenly with a stiff-legged
pivot and fell straight on his back
no one falls like that the body in surrender to gravity no one falls as if
nothing matters and nothing did
his eyes glistening like wet sapphires in snow his dead eyes looked
through us seeing their way into stone
Patrick Friesen's works copyright © to the author.