Patrick Friesen
From: the breath you take from the lord. Harbour Publishing, 2002.
when god tears at your heart or you think that's it you want that to be it
angels perhaps or demons
when you need something to shape suffering something to hold it with
when the night deepens and you stand slow and waiting for your eyes to
take in the trees
when you make your way through deadfall scraping your arms on the
knuckles of a poplar
when the clearing flares with light the moon's brilliance carefully milking
the thistle
when the stone pile glistens and cools sun's heat rising into the lowering
when nothing my god happens nothing in the vastness of your small rash
when you have to laugh at the end of yourself at the god you think you've
when you crouch at a cold bethlehem as a constellation wheels across the
when the offering you brought lies scattered at your feet and the only gift
a broken heart
when you watch as you always have from the edge suddenly aware
something breathes behind you
when you fear the darkness of bush the animal there but no safety in the
when you find the body of the child struck down in its ecstasy of light and
when you step into the barefoot prayer at last when you pass into the open
Patrick Friesen's works copyright © to the author.