Books & Chapbooks
- The Law of Return. Toronto. Guernica Editions, Inc., 1999.
- The Fertile Crescent. Toronto: Guernica Editions, Inc., 2005.
Journals and Anthologies
- "Wholesale Meat Market," "For You Eating Is Such A Delicate Delight," and "Why Jan Wyers Paints No Tractors," in Shark Tank, York University, 1977 (edited by Irving Layton).
- "Sabbath Queen" in Relations, Family Portraits. Toronto: Mosaic Press, 1986.
- "The Things I Carry," "Mosquito Net," "Tunis," and "Sahara" in Writ, 1995.
- "The Law of Return" in Parchment, 1995-1996.
- "Yom Kippur" in Prairie Fire, Autumn, 1996.
- "My Son" in The New Quarterly, Spring, 1996.
- "It Is Told" and "Sammael" in New Coin, Grahamstown, South Africa, 1997.
- "The Jade Sea" in Carapace, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998.
- "Spring Prophesy," "Wine," and "Pony Train" in The Antigonish Review, Summer, 1999.
- "Caesarean" in Matrix, Fall, 1999.
- "And They Praised Her to Pharoah..." in The Weekend Independent, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January, 2001.
- "Hammam," "Miracles," "Thirst," "The Track," and "Doubt" in Descant, Fall, 2001.
- "Hammam," in The Weekend Independent, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January, 2002.
- "The Lamp Carpet" in The Weekend Independent, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May, 2002.
- "Woman at the River, Washing," and "Take Thou Thy Son, Thine Only Son" in Sparks, San Diego, July/August/September 2002.
- "Girls at the Well, Laughing," "The Jade Sea," and "The Tent" in the Canadian Woman Studies Journal, Fall/Winter, 2003.
- "Doing Time with Grandfather Afrika" in New Coin, Grahamstown, South Africa, June, 2003.
- "Everything You Wanted to Know," "Only Now I Can Tell You," "They Praised Her to Pharaoh" in Parchment, Fall, 2003.
- "Skinny Dipping" in Parchment, Fall, 2005.
- "Brief Note to My Father" and "If I Ran From You" in The News, Dhaka, Bangladesh, September, 2006.
- "Sarah's Song" in Surface & Symbol, February/March, 2007.
- "Figure Skates" in Hammered Out, Issue 14, Winter, 2007.
- "The Standing Prayer" in CV2, Volume 30, Issue 1, Summer, 2007.
- "Bathurst Manor" in The Antigonish Review, Number 150, June, 2007.
- "These Infinite Daily Things" in Garden Variety. Toronto: Quattro Press, 2007.
See also: Other Publications
Karen Shenfeld's works copyright © to the author.