Books & Chapbooks
- Eyeing the Magpie (poetry collection and art) in collaboration with Nancy Mackenzie, Rusti Lehay, Myrna Garanis and Julie Robinson. Five Magpie Press, 2007
- In-Between Season (poetry collection) Rowan Books, 1998
- Some Souls Do Well in Flowerpots (poetry chapbook) empress, 1997
Poems in Anthologies
- Eating Apples, NeWest Press, 1994
- Our Fathers, Rowan Books, 1995
- Kitchen Talk, Red Deer Press, 1992
Publications in Periodicals
- stories, poetry, essays, book Reviews in The Fiddlehead, Prairie Fire, Dandelion, Amethyst Review, CV2, On Spec, Other Voices, Room of One's Own, blue buffalo, Canadian Woman Studies, Zygote, Globe and Mail, Edmonton Journal and others
Anna Mioduchowska's works copyright © to the author.