Ellen S. Jaffe
From: Intricate Countries: Women Poets from Earth to Sky. Dundas, Ontario: Artemis Enterprises, 1996.
(June 26, 1895 -- May 19, 1988)
"Go, lovely Rose" -- Edmund Waller
Bloom of my childhood
Today everything bursts into flower
Green, pink, white
while you wilt softly
in hospital nursery
glass and tubes around you.
Rose, bloom of my childhood
Dressing up in your clothes,
your high-heeled shoes
(on my last visit, I
peeked in your drawer
like a curious child,
found nests of gloves
white and black, neatly folded
waiting for occasions . . .
a lady is never without decorum).
We came to your 90th birthday party
You came to my 43rd,
a surprise planned by my son
You wore a paper hat
over your newly-done hair
elegant -- as always.
I remember
your rose-painted nails
and nestling in your feathery bed
when I slept over
You gave me
canteloupe and ice-cream
balloons and kisses
You were never old to me
(even now
even now)
and I am not really grown-up, it is all an act
still dressing up in your clothes,
putting on plays.
Rose, bloom of my childhood
your light goes out
your scent
will remain
in our hearts.
Ellen S. Jaffe's works copyright © to the author.