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  • The work's solitude [Kurgan]. Essays on Canadian Writing, (72) Winter, 2000, pg 165-171 — review by Jake Kennedy.
  • At The League of Canadian Poets web site, Review of Kurgan —review by Jeffery Donaldson.
  • In The Gazette (Montreal), Sat.Oct 7 2000—review by Carmine Starnino.
  • In The Globe and Mail, Saturday, June 17 2000—review by Richard Sanger.
  • In The National Post, Saturday, June 17 2000—review by Diana Fitzgerald Bryden.

Someone Has Stayed in Stockholm

  • In The Independent on Sunday (London, U.K.), Nov 6 1994—review by William Scammell.

Forests of the Medieval World

  • Coles, Don. Forests of the medieval world. In Essays on Canadian Writing: n55 (Spring, 1995) : p277-287 —review by W.J. Keith.
  • Coles, Don. Forests of the medieval world. In Canadian Literature: n144 (Spring, 1995) : p177-179.
  • Coles, Don. Forests of the medieval world. In Poetry Canada Review: v14 n4 (1994) : p26-27.
  • Coles, Don. Forests of the medieval world. In Event: v23 n1 (Spring, 1994) : p126-131.
  • Coles, Don. Forests of the medieval world. In Matrix: n41 (1993) : p84-85.
  • Coles, Don. Forests of the medieval world. In Books In Canada: v22 n8 (November, 1993) : p33-34.
  • Coles, Don. Forests of the medieval world. In Malahat Review: n105 (Winter, 1993) : p103-108.
  • Coles, Don. Forests of the medieval world. In Quill & Quire: v59 n6 (June, 1993) : p28.

Little Bird: Last Letter To My Father, 1897-1986

  • Coles, Don. Little bird: last letter to my father, 1897-1986. In ARC: n29 (1992) : p67-70.
  • Wiseman, Christopher. Rhyme and reason: Little Bird and the poetry of Don Coles. In Fiddlehead: n173 (1992) : p116-123.
  • Coles, Don. Little Bird: Last Letter To My Father, 1897-1986. In Canadian Materials: v20 n4 (September, 1992) : p229.
  • Coles, Don. Little Bird: Last Letter To My Father, 1897-1986. In Books In Canada: v21 n5 (Summer, 1992) : p60-61.
  • Coles, Don. Little Bird: Last Letter To My Father, 1897-1986. In Malahat Review: n98 (Spring, 1992) : p100-101.
  • Coles, Don. Little Bird: Last Letter To My Father, 1897-1986. In Quill & Quire: v58 n3 (March, 1992) : p62.
  • Fagan, Cary. Mutability and meditation: graced with a rich central theme and the time to develop it, Don Coles has produced a quietly rewarding poetic oeuvre [Little Bird]. In Books In Canada: v21 n1 (February, 1992) : p22-24.
  • McKay, Don. Night Field. In Books In Canada: v20 n5 (June/July, 1991) : p42.

K In Love

  • Coles, Don. K In Love. In Zymergy: v4 n1 (Spring, 1990) : p157-158.
  • Owens, Judith (reviewer). K In Love. In Canadian Literature: Spring/Summer, 1990 124/125 : p369-373.
  • Coles, Don. K In Love. In Essays on Canadian Writing: n40 (Spring, 1990) : p147-155.
  • Purdy, Al. The Woman On The Shore. In Books In Canada: v19 n3 (April, 1990) : p34.
  • Coles, Don. K In Love. In University of Toronto Quarterly: v59 n1 (Fall 1989) : p41.
  • Coles, Don. K In Love. In Queen's Quarterly: v96 n2 (Summer 1989) : p531-533.
  • Jones, DG. Balthazaar And Other Poems. In Books in Canada: v18 n3 (April 1989) : p21-22.
  • Coles, Don. K In Love. In Canadian Materials: v17 n1 (Jan 1989) : p37.
  • Finch, Robert. Sailboat And Lake. In Books in Canada: v18 n3 (April 1989) : p21-22.
  • Coles, Don. K In Love. In Books in Canada: v17 n6 (Aug/Sept 1988) : p27,28.
  • Coles, Don. K. in love [book review]. In Essays on Canadian Writing v. no40 (Spring '90) p. 147-52.
  • Coles, Don. K. in love [book review]. In Canadian Literature v. no124/125 (Spring/Summer '90) p. 369-73.

Landslides: Selected Poems, 1975-1985

  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems, 1975-1985. (reviewer: Reginald Berry, New Zealand) In Journal of Canadian Poetry: v. 3, 1988 : p25-29.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems, 1975-1985. In University of Toronto Quarterly: v57 n1 (Fall 1987) : p37-38.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems 1975-1985. In Fiddlehead: v n152 (Summer 1987) : p100-104.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems 1975-1985. In Poetry Canada Review: v8 n1 (Fall 1986) : p7.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems 1975-1985. (reviewer: Janice Kulyk Keefer) In Antigonish Review: 65 Spring 1986 : p59-68.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems 1975-1985. In University of Windsor Review: v19 n2 (Spring/Summer 1986) : p67.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems 1975-1985. In Cross Canada Writers Quarterly: v8 n3/4 (1986) : p42-43.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems, 1975-1985. In University of Toronto Quarterly: v57 n1 (Fall 1987) : p37-38.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems 1975-1985. In Fiddlehead: v n152 (Summer 1987) : p100-104.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems 1975-1985. In Poetry Canada Review: v8 n1 (Fall 1986) : p7.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems 1975-1985. In Antigonish Review: 65Spring 1986 : p59-68.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems 1975-1985. In University of Windsor Review: v19 n2 (Spring/Summer 1986) : p67.
  • Coles, Don. Landslides: Selected Poems 1975-1985. In Cross Canada Writers Quarterly: v8 n3/4 (1986) : p42-43.

The Prinzhorn Collection

  • In Queen�s Quarterly, 90/4 Winter 1983 pp.1034-1041 review of The Prinzhorn Collection (and 3 other books) by Paul Stuewe
  • In Matrix, no.16 Spring 1983 rev of Prinzhorn by Jan Draper
  • In Contemporary Verse II, Vol.7 No.3 Sept 1983 rev of Prinzhorn by Carol Shields
  • Coles, Don. The Prinzhorn Collection. In Globe and Mail (Toronto): June 12, 1982 : pE15.
  • Coles, Don. The Prinzhorn Collection. In Toronto Star: May 15, 1982 : pF11.
  • A. Morton review of "The Prinzhorn Collection", In Quarry, 31/4:1982 p 72-75
  • Coles, Don. Basketball players and friends. In Ariel (Calgary, Alta.) v. 16 (Apr. '85) p. 74-6.
  • Coles, Don. Forests of the medieval world [book review]. In Essays on Canadian Writing no55 (Spring '95) p. 277-87.

Sometimes All Over

  • A. Gunnarson review of Sometimes All Over. In Brick, 1982 pp32-37


  • Carbert, Michael. Don Coles, no safer place: an interview. In Quarry: v43 n1 (1994) : p117-129.
  • On Language and Silence. What! no.27 interview by Michael Redhill


  • Don Coles Special Issue, Arc 50, Summer 2003
  • Tregebov, Rhea. Poetry. In University of Toronto Quarterly: v. 64 (Winter '94) p. 66-83 [abstract]
  • Coles, Don. Gone out is part of sanity. In ARC: n30 (Spring, 1993 Anniv. issue) : p12-13.
  • Coles, Don. Knights of the round table. In ARC: n30 (Spring, 1993 Anniv. issue) : p10-11.
  • Coles, Don. Our photos of the children. In ARC: n30 (Spring, 1993 Anniv. issue) : p5-9.
  • Coles, Don. Aschenbach in Venice. In Quarry: v42 n2 (1993) : p90-92.
  • Prairie women sweep top book awards [Governor-General's Literary Awards] -. In Montreal Gazette: November 17, 1993 : pB4.
  • Governor General's Awards announced -. In Halifax Chronicle Herald: November 17, 1993 : pA13.
  • Literary awards share stage with politics [Governor-General's Literary Awards] -. In Toronto Star: November 17, 1993 : pD7.
  • The northern light of poet Don Coles -. In Globe & Mail Metro Edition: November 17, 1993 : pC2.
  • Sounding the alarm for the arts [Governor-General's Literary Awards winners] -. In Globe & Mail Metro Edition: November 17, 1993 : pC1,C2.
  • Governor General's winners -. In Financial Post: v87 n47 (November 20/22, 1993) : pS7.
  • Glickman, Susan. "All in war with time": the poetry of Don Coles. In Essays on Canadian Writing: v n35 (Winter 1987) : p156-170.
  • Wreggitt, Andrew. Southeasterly. In Event: v17 n1 (Spring 1988) : p110-113.

Don Coles's works copyright © to the author.

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