Books & Chapbooks
- Amuse Bouche. . Talonbooks: Vancouver, 2009
- The House That Hijack Built. Talonbooks: Vancouver, 2004
- The Arugula Fugues. Zasterl Press, 2001
- Dyssemia sleaze. Burnaby, B.C. : Talonbooks, 2000
- Genrecide. Talonbooks: Vancouver, 1996.
- Prairis/cite Maintenance. Wave7press: Vancouver, 1995. (Chapbook)
- Mêmewars. Talonbooks: Vancouver, 1994.
- The Empress Has No Closure. Talonbooks: Vancouver, 1992.
- Archetorture. Wave7press: Vancouver, 1990. (Chapbook)
- "Ambit. Ardor. Orders: A Poetics of Polymedial Pasties" in side/lines. Eds. Richard Almonte and Rob McLennan. Insomniac Press (Toronto, 2002).
- "Poetic Fugues" in How2 Forum 6 Spring 2001.
- (
- "Writing Through the Grapheme as Social Commodity" in How2 Forum 5, Spring 2001. (
- "Between the Sacred and the Secular: Cixous, Derrida and the Kabbalah" in Interpretation of Texts, Sacred and Secular. Eds. Pierre Buhler and Tibor Fabiny, Pano Verlag, Zurich, Centre for Hermeneutical Research (1999).
- "Shekhina: The Speculum that Signs", in Nashim.Number II, Jerusalem: Spring 5759, 1999
- "bill bissett: A Writing Ouside Writing", in The Capilano Review, Vancouver (October, 1997)
- "Of Poetik Thinking: A 'Pataphysical Exploration of Derrida and the Kabbalah" in Impratur (Luton, 1996).
- "Haut�couture: Refracting the Spoken Word Frequency" in Parallelogramme. Vol. 20. No. 3 (Toronto: December, 1994).
- "N(or)th of Ar(c)ticulation" in A Poetics of Criticism (Buffalo, 1994).
- "Poetix" in Writing for the New Coast Anthology (Buffalo, 1993).
- "The Empress Has No Closure" in Open Letter. (Redrawing the Lines: the Next Generation) Eighth Series, No. 4: Summer, 1992.
- "Paralog" in In the Midst (Warren Tallman Writings 1962 - 1992), Talonbooks: Vancouver, 1992. pp. 283-319.
- "Tract Marks: Echoes and Traces in the Toronto Research Group" in Open Letter. Canadian? Literary? Theory?) Eighth Series, No. 3: Spring 1992.
- "In the Force of Desire" in West Coast Line: The New Vancouver Writing Issue: No. 1, 1990.
- "Neo-Modern Is Coming On: A Dialogue" in Line Magazine. No. 14, 1989.
- "In the Rock's Cleft" in Tracing the Paths: Reading / Writing the Martyrology. Ed. Roy Miki. Talonbooks: Vancouver, 1988.
- "Belle L'être" in Vox Populi, Ed. Danika Dinsmore. Seattle, April 2002.
- "In the Empire of Grief.II" in Short Fuse, (Ed. Todd Swift, Paris, France, January, 2002).
- "In theEmpire of Grief: I" in The Capilano Review, (Ed. Carol Hamshaw, Vancouver, BC, Winter, 2001).
- "In the Mechanics of the S(ub)lime" in Belladonna* 15, (Ed. Rachel Levitsky, New York, Fall, 2001).
- "The Arugula Fugues VI" in Pompom, (Ed. Susan Landers, Ethan Fugate, Allison Cobb, Jennifer Coleman) New York, NY, 2001).
- "The Arugula Fugues VII" in Vallum, (Ed. Todd Swift, Montreal, Quebec, 2001.
- "The Arugula Fugues V" in Booglit, (Ed. David Kirschenbum, New York, NY, Issue 3, Chanukah 2000).
- "from The Arugula Fugues" in The Portable Booglit Reader, (Ed. David Kirschenbaum, New York, NY, November, 2000).
- "Mumbai-Ya" in DC Anthology, (Ed. Allison Cobb, Jen Coleman, Washington, DC, December, 2000).
- "from Improbable Grammars" in Tessera, Volume 27, (Toronto, 2000).
- "Telephone Talk" in Sisters of the Extreme: Women Writing on the Drug Experience, (Ed. Cynthia Palmer and Michael Horowitz. Park Street Press, Rochester Vermont, 2000)
- "Mellah Marrano" in Contemporary Verse 2: Canadian Women's Writing at Century's End.
- Vol. 23 No.1 (Summer, 2000).
- "Poughkeepsie Plohound" in dig. - a journal of poetry, etc, (Ed. jennifer LoveGrove. dig/wayward armadillo press).
- "Mehaneh Yehuda II" in NewMuse of Contempt, (Ed. joe blades), Winter 1999, vol 12, # 2.
- "Mehaneh Yehuda III" in filling station, (Ed. derek beaulieu.), December 1999.
- "Mehaneh Yehuda II" and "Cuadrilla Cadr�" in in grave ink (vol.1#2).
- "Cuadrilla Cadr�" in Kairos 11.
- "Telephone Talk" in Shaman Lady Mainline Lady
- "And this is the letter" in Contemporary Verse 2. Vol. 21 No. 4 (Winnipeg, Spring 1999).
- "Spectral Profanities" in Chain 6, (Ed. Jena Osman and Julianna Spahr. Buffalo UP: Buffalo, 1999).
- "Solutio Lingua" in The Canadian Journal of Contemporary Literary Stuff. Issue 9. Vol.I (Toronto: October 1998).
- "Genrecide" in Poetry Nation: A North American Anthology of Fusion Poets. (Ed. Regie Cabico and Todd Swift. Vehicule Press, Quebec, 1998).
- "Phalanx Swank" in Seeds. Vol. 4 Issue I (Ed. Richard Grove. Hidden Brook Press: Toronto, 1997).
- "Genrecide" in Chain: Hybrid Genres/Mixed Media. Vol. 3.2, (Ed. Jena Osman and Julianna Spahr. Buffalo UP: Buffalo, 1996).
- "From Genrecide" in Tessera "Dispositions" Issue. Vol. 20, (Toronto: Summer 1996).
- "From Genrecide" in Carnival: Scream in High Park Reader (Ed. Peter McPhee. Insomniac Press: Toronto, 1996).
- "From Genrecide" in Agent: Broken Word Manual. Vol.I No.I (Ed. Dan Mitchell and Jake Brown: Montreal, Spring, 1996).
- "Flank" in The Link. Vol.16, No.36, (Montreal: March, 1996).
- "Opine Sagely" in The Link. Vol.16, No.33, (Montreal: Feb. 1996).
- from "Genrecide" in The Link. Vol.16, No.33, (Montreal: Feb. 1996).
- from "Prairis/cite Maintenance" in Prairie Fire. (Ed. Andris Taskins. Winnipeg: Spring 1996).
- "Genrecide" and "Floruit Retinue" in index. Ed. Trish Salah (Montreal: Dec. 1995).
- "Telephone Talk" in Revival: Spoken Word from Lollapalooza 94. Ed. Juliette Torrez, Liz Belile, Mud Baron, Jennifer Joseph. (Manic D Press: San Fransisco, 1995).
- "Prairis/cite Maintenance" in Filling Station. (Calgary, 1995)
- "Ululate Pollulation" in Pawn. Vol II. No 1. Ed. Lee Gotham. (Montreal: Spring 1995)
- From "Prairis/cite Maintenance" in Corridors, The Concordia Anthology. Vol II. Ed. Eric Williamson (Montreal: March, 1995).
- From "Cut Throat" in Oversion. Ed. John Barlow. (Toronto: March, 1994).
- From "Genrecide" in DaDaBaby 4. (Semirotic issue). Ed. Jamie Reid. (Vancouver: April, 1994).
- From "Cut Throat" in Front Lines Anthology of Action Poetry. Vol. I. (Banff: April, 1994).
- "Bad" in Front Lines Anthology of Action Poetry. Vol. II. (Banff: April, 1994).
- "Poetix" in Writing for the New Coast Anthology (Buffalo, 1993).
- "Poetix" in SinOverTan. Ed. Michael Holmes and Bill Kennedy. (Toronto: April, 1993).
- "from M�mewars" in Caberet Vert. Ed. Learn/Yates. April, 1993.
- "mid kaddish" in Rampike: Toronto, 1991. Vol. 3:7.
- "From Archetorture" in Big Allis: New York, 1991. Issue 4.
- "From Archetorture" in Prism International: Vancouver, 1991.
- Selections from "In Andean Passes" in Tessera. Vol. 8, Spring, 1990.
- "blissed out on the path" in Bite. Vol. 1 No. 2, 1986.
- From "dis(emanations" in ARC. No. 11, Spring, 1986.
- From "dis(emanations" in Arts Review. Winter, 1986.
- From 1985 - 1990 Adeena was founding co-editor of Anerca Magazine
Adeena Karasick's works copyright © to the author.