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Children of the Outer Dark

  • Dickinson, Adam. "Three readers writing.('Children of the Outer Dark: The Poetry of Christopher Dewdney', 'The Bindery' and 'Earth's Crude Gravities')" Canadian Literature 198 (Autumn 2008): p120(2).

Signal Fires

  • Signal fires. ARC 45 (Winter 2000): p70-5.
  • Bouchard, Gilbert A. "Not an Easy Read, But Rewarding." Edmonton Journal 20 August 2000: E14.
  • Richardson, Bill. Quill & Quire 66.6 (June 2000): 51.

Last Flesh: Life in the Transhuman Era

  • Allentuck, Andrew. Quill & Quire 64.2 (February 1998): 37.
  • Sillars, Les. "The New Religion of Computer Consciousness: Transhumanists are working on their own cyber-immortalized Tower of Babel." Western Report 27 April 1998: 34-35.

Demon Pond

  • Bartlett, Brian. "Precision and Surprise." Books in Canada 23.5 (Summer 1994): 43-44.
  • Beardsley, Doug. Quill & Quire 60.5 (May 1994): 25.
  • Blackburn, William. "Subversive Poems Inhabit Demon Pond." Calgary Herald 17 September 1994: A16.
  • Fagan, Cary. "Three Poets: Fragility from Carey, Mystery from Dewdney, Good Talk from Rogers." Globe & Mail 30 July 1994: C15.
  • Holmes, Michael. "Daemon's Pawn." Prairie Fire 15.3 (Autumn 1994): 120-23.
  • Lynch, Gerald. Journal of Canadian Poetry 11 (1996): 63-66.
  • Tregebov, Rhea. "Letters in Canada, 1994: Poetry." University of Toronto Quarterly 65.1 (Winter 1995/1996): 68-69.
  • Whiteman, Bruce. "Poetry out of Science, Madness and Elegance." Montreal Gazette 21 May 1994: I2.

Secular Grail

  • Bök, Christian. Paragraph 15.3-4 (Winter 1993 / Spring 1994): 55-56.
  • Brayshaw, Christopher. "Core Samples." Canadian Literature 146 (Autumn 1995): 112-14.
  • Horton, Jerry. Quill & Quire 59.5 (May 1993): 27-28.
  • Marchand, Philip. "Poet's Search for Truth and Wonder." Toronto Star 15 May 1993: J12.
  • Persky, Stan. "Some hors d'oeuvre for Thought." Globe & Mail 5 June 1993: C17.
  • Sproxton, Birk. "Awakenings." Books in Canada 22.5 (Summer 1993): 44-45.
  • Therrien, Richard. "This Secular Grail Ultimately Feels Like a Fake." Calgary Herald 14 August 1993: D6.
  • Wershler-Henry, Darren. "Islands in the Slipstream: Christopher Dewdney's The Secular Grail." Prairie Fire 15.2 (Summer 1994): 234-36.

Concordat Proviso Ascendant

  • Burnham, Clint. "Recent Artifacts." What (December 1991): 71-73.
  • Patton, Andy. C Magazine 34 (Summer 1992): 58-60.

Video Marquee

  • Ruzesky, Jay. Malahat Review 95 (Summer 1991): 128-29.

The Radiant Inventory

  • Atwal, Sandy. CM: Canadian Materials 17.3 (May 1989): 139-40.
  • Coleman, Victor. Canadian Forum 68 (no. 780) (April 1989): 41-42.
  • Dutton, Paul. "Narrative Geography." Books in Canada 18.2 (March 1989): 29-30.
  • Hatch, Ronald B. "Letters in Canada, 1987: Poetry." University of Toronto Quarterly: 59.1 (Fall 1989): 41-42.
  • Kosub, David. Quill & Quire 55.1 (January 1989): 26, 29.
  • Messenger, Cynthia. "Boundaries." Canadian Literature 122-123 (Autumn/Winter 1989): 282-83.
  • Sentes, Bryan. Prairie Fire 10.4 (Winter 1989/1990): 54-57.
  • Von Maltzahn, Nicholas. Journal of Canadian Poetry 5 (1990): 49-53.
  • Woodcock, George. Poetry Canada Chronicle [supplement to Poetry Canada Review] 10.2 (Summer 1989): 37-42.


  • Keen, Suzanne. Notus: New Writing 5.1 (1990): 120-21.
  • Messenger, Cynthia. "Boundaries." Canadian Literature 122-123 (Autumn/Winter 1989): 282-83.
  • Sentes, Bryan. Prairie Fire 10.4 (Winter 1989/1990): 54-57.
  • Whiteman, Bruce. "Events in the Atmosphere." Books in Canada 17.4 (May 1988): 25.

Immaculate Perception

  • Fawcett, Brian. "Breaking Away." Books in Canada 15.9 (December 1986): 19-20.
  • Hatch, Ronald B. "Letters in Canada, 1986: Poetry." University of Toronto Quarterly 57.1 (Fall 1987): 42.
  • Johnston, George. Journal of Canadian Poetry 3 (1988): 33-36.
  • Longo, Louise. Quill & Quire: 53.3 (March 1987): 75.
  • Morrissey, Stephen. Poetry Canada Review 9.2 (Winter/Spring 1988): 35-36.
  • Thurston, John. Queen's Quarterly 95.1 (Spring 1988): 188-89.

Predators of the Adoration

  • Barbour, Douglas. Canadian Poetry Chronicle (1984): A Comprehensive Review of Canadian Poetry Books. Kingston, Ontario: Quarry Press, 1985. 29-31.
  • Casselman, Bill. "The Most Difficult Canadian Poetry Written?" Toronto Star 1 January 1984: E10.
  • Fitzgerald, Judith. "Covering the Poetic Bases." Globe and Mail 10 December 1983: E23.
  • Quickenden, Robert. "Primitive Power in Magic Poems." Winnipeg Free Press 17 March 1984: 69.

Alter Sublime

  • Byrd, Don. Sulfur 2 (1981): 248-51.

General and Scholarly Essays

  • Bellarsi, Franca. "Re-inventing the myth of the Canadian wilderness: Christopher Dewdney's The Natural History." :Open Letter 13.2 (Spring 2007): p156(20).
  • Bök, Christian. "The Word Entrances: Virtual Realities in Dewdney's Log Entries." Studies in Canadian Literature 18.2 (1993): 43-61.
  • Bök, Christian. "Radiant Inventories: A Natural History of the Natural Histories." Canadian Poetry 32 (Spring/Summer 1993): 17-36.
  • Dragland, Stan. "Christopher Dewdney's Writing: Beyond Science and Madness." The Malahat Review 66 (October 1983): 36-54. Reprinted in The Bees of the Invisible: Essays in Contemporary English Canadian Writing. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1991. 134-51. Reprinted as Afterword in Predators of the Adoration, 190-206.
  • Fawcett, Brian. "Scientist of the Sublime: Christopher Dewdney's Poetic Voice is Unlike Anyone Else's." Books in Canada 18.5 (June/July 1989): 7-8, 10.
  • Fitzgerald, Judith. "Outside the Mainstream but Going Places." Globe and Mail 12 November 1983: E7.
  • Garebian, Keith. "Dewdney's Science." Canadian Forum 64 (no. 740) (June/July 1984): 32-34.
  • Hepburn, Allen. "The Dream of Self: Perception and Consciousness in Dewdney's Poetry." Canadian Poetry 20 (Spring/Summer 1987): 31-50.
  • Highet, Alistair. "Manifold Destiny: Metaphysics in the Poetry of Christopher Dewdney." Essays on Canadian Writing 34 (Spring 1987): 2-17.
  • Hlibchuk, Geoffrey. "The immense odds against the fossil's occurrence": the poetry of Christopher Dewdney as materialist historiography. Studies in Canadian Literature 31.2 (Summer 2006): p142(18).
  • Jirgens, Karl. "Auto-Osculation: Dewdney's 'Parasite Maintenance.'" Open Letter series 9 no. 7 (Winter 1997): 26-43.
  • Jirgens, Karl. "Christopher Dewdney." Canadian Writers and Their Works: Poetry Series. Vol. 12. Eds. Robert Lecker, Jack David, and Ellen Quigley. Toronto: ECW Press, 1996. 123-267.
  • Lecker, Robert. "Of Parasites and Governors: Christopher Dewdney's Poetry." Journal of Canadian Studies 20.1 (Spring 1985): 136-52. Reprinted as "Give Yourself Up: Christopher Dewdney's Poetry." Sagetrieb: A Journal Devoted to Poets in the Imagist/Objectivist Tradition 7.1 (Spring 1988): 173-92.
  • McCaffery, Steve. "Strata and Strategy: Pataphysics in the Poetry of Christopher Dewdney." Open Letter series 3 no. 4 (Spring 1976): 45-56. Reprinted in North of Intention: Critical Writings, 1973-1986. New York: Roof Books, 1986. 187-200.
  • McFadden, David. "The Twilight of Self-Consciousness." The Human Elements: Critical Essays. Ed. David Helwig. Ottawa, Ontario: Oberon Press, 1978. 78-96.
  • Owen, D. M. "Christopher Dewdney's Hermetic Poetics." Quill & Quire 54.12 (December 1988): 22.
  • Ward, Geoffrey. "A Higher Fiction: Notes on Christopher Dewdney." Grosseteste Review 12 (1979): 86-91.
  • Wershler-Henry, Darren. "Christopher Dewdney: A Selected Bibliography for Science Fiction Readers." Prairie Fire 15.2 (Summer 1994): 232-33.
  • Whiteman, Bruce. "As If Paradise Renewed a Tangible and Immaculate Perception: Dewdney's Textbook." Sagetrieb: A Journal Devoted to Poets in the Imagist/Objectivist Tradition 7.1 (Spring 1988): 193-99.


  • Campbell, Andrew Marchant. "Geology in Modern Poetry." Ph.D. dissertation. University of Kentucky, 1985.
  • Cook-Sourice, Catherine Ann. "The glass machinery in Christopher Dewdney's 'Predators of the Adoration.'" M.A. thesis. Concordia University (Canada), 1998.
  • Swail, Christopher. "Toward a politics of paranoia: Desire and the poetic subjects of Christopher Dewdney and Erin Mouré." M.A. thesis. Simon Fraser University, 1998.

Christopher Dewdney's works copyright © to the author.

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