Stan Rogal
From: Geometry of The Odd. Wolsak and Wynn, 1999
Here is the country side. Staggered
Flat or rolling. Spun with thick grasses or
spiked with wildflowers & tall stands of timber.
Big & bold as anything you can't imagine
Those mountains. That river. The fact of
a few fallen inches of snow covering the treetops.
What is common called a landscape.
Yet, from the awed sea arises the proposition:
What grape, to keep its place in the
sun, taught our ancestors to make wine?
In deed
As the pilgrims false persuasion
about the source of oracles
or pygmies shooting arrows at the eclipsing sun.
Adulterate nature offers such easy scape
For raptured spirits & similar low ghosts
set to save their mortal souls
What never took it so much to heart
Simply, to make the stone stony
Bows beneath the weight
& is nailed at every crossing.
Stan Rogal's works copyright © to the author.