
- Horne, Alan and Guy Upjohn, eds. Fine Printing: The Private Press in Canada. Toronto: Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild, 1995. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, 18 April - 16 June, 1995.
- Sanger, Peter. 'Her Kindled Shadow ..': An Introduction to the Work of Richard Outram. Antigonish, N.S.: Antigonish Review, 2001; rev. ed., 2002.
- Ruthig, Ingrid, ed. Richard Outram: Essays on His Works, Writers Series #28, Guernica Editions, October 2010.
- Sanger, Peter. Through Darkling Air: The Poetry of Richard Outram. Gaspereau Press, Kentville N.S., April 2010. (512 pages with 48 pages of photos and colour reproductions of Gauntlet Press publications)
Special issues and magazine features
- The Antigonish Review 125 (2001). A feature on Richard Outram's work, comprising Peter Sanger's 'Richard Outram: A Preface' and twenty poems by Outram. This feature was later revised and republished as Richard Outram: A Preface and Selection (The Antigonish Review Occasional Paper Number 3; Antigonish, Nova Scotia, 2001).
- Canadian Notes & Queries 63 (2003). A special issue on the work of Richard Outram. Guest ed. Michael Carbert. Comprising: William Blissett, 'Collecting Gauntlets'; Terry Griggs, 'Wordman'; Amanda Jernigan, 'Hiram on the Night Shore'; Guy Davenport, 'Entropy'; W. J. Keith, 'Outram's "Stage Crew"'; David Solway, 'Reading Richard Outram'; Caroline Adderson, 'Mogul Recollected'; Michael Darling, 'A Chance Encounter with Richard Outram'; Eric Ormsby, 'Banjo Music'; Jeffery Donaldson, 'Encounters and Recollections in the Art of Barbara Howard and Richard Outram'; Carmine Starnino, 'The Other Outram'; Peter Sanger, 'A Word Still Dwelling'.
- DA: A Journal of the Printing Arts 44 (1999). A special issue on the Gauntlet Press, guest ed. Alan Horne, comprising: Alan Horne, 'Editorial'; Richard Outram, 'A Brief History of Time at The Gauntlet Press (Or, Some Days the Earth Moved)'; Barbara Howard, 'A Painter Pressed into the Service of Poetry'; Donald W. McLeod, 'A Checklist of The Gauntlet Press, 1960-1995'.
- The New Quarterly 21.4 (2001/2002). A feature on Richard Outram's work, comprising Peter Sanger's introduction, 'The Sounding Light: Richard Outram and Barbara Howard', and four poems by Richard Outram.
- The New Quarterly 89 (2004): 25-73. Three Encounters with Poet Richard Outram, comprising: Amanda Jernigan, 'Graceful Errors and Happy Intellections: Encounters with Richard Outram'; Michael Carbert, 'Faith and Resilience: An Interview with Richard Outram'; Richard Outram, 'Rage and Outrage: Poetry and the Media'.
Articles, interviews, reviews
- Adamek, Anna. [Review of Benedict Abroad.] Arc 43 (1999): 95-96.
- Anderson, Rod. [Review of Man in Love.] Canadian Literature (1986): 148-50.
- Camlot, Jason. [Review of Benedict Abroad.] Journal of Canadian Poetry 15 (1998): 134-39.
- Cardy, Michael. [Review of Hiram and Jenny.] Canadian Author & Bookman 64.4 (1989): 16.
- Connolly, Kevin. 'Penchant for odd syntax and ear for dialects ...'(review of Hiram and Jenny). Toronto Star (Toronto Star Magazine) 27 Apr. 1988: M6.
- de Santana, Hubert. 'Monarch in Mufti: Some Notes on Richard Outram, a Canadian Poet Whose Fame is Assured-at least Posthumously', Books in Canada, September (1976).
- Donaldson, Jeffery. 'A Light Blaze in Rare Air: Richard Outram'. Books in Canada 32.7 (2003): 36.
- Enright, Michael. 'Richard Outram: A Passion for Poetry'. (52 min. interview with Outram). The Sunday Edition. CBC Radio One. 7 April 2002. Replayed in part 30 January 2005, as part of a memorial feature.
- Fitzgerald, Heather. [Review of Dove Legend.] Quill & Quire 67.3 (2001): 56.
- Hatch, Ronald B. 'Poetry.' University of Toronto Quarterly 56.1 (1986): 29-45. 'Letters in Canada 1985' poetry survey; includes a review of Man in Love.
- Hunter, Catherine. [Review of Mogul Recollected.] Prairie Fire 16.2 (1995): 149.
- Ingham, David. [Review of Hiram and Jenny.] Canadian Literature 129 (1991): 187-88.
- Jernigan, Amanda. 'Holding to Desire: Verse Translations by Richard Outram'. Canadian Notes & Queries 73 (2008): 25-28. With fourteen previously unpublished verse translations.
- Kerr, Don. [Review of Hiram and Jenny.] Journal of Canadian Poetry. 5 (1990): 95-98.
- Kr�ller, Eva-Marie. [Review of Dove Legend and Other Poems]. Journal of Canadian Poetry 18 (2001) 118-20.
- MacKendrick, Louis K. 'Richard Outram, Man in Love'. Journal of Canadian Poetry 2 (1985): 79-82.
- Manguel, Alberto. 'Hard Truths'. Saturday Night 103.4 (1988): 57-59.
- 'Outram, Richard (1930 - )' (encyclopedia entry). Routledge Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English. Ed. Eugene Benson and L. W. Connolly. London: Routledge, 1994.
- 'Waiting for an Echo: On Reading Richard Outram' (rev. and updated version of 'Hard Truths'). Into the Looking-Glass Wood. Toronto: Knopf, 1998. 225-35.
- McKinney, Louise. 'Architects of the Poetic Landscape'. Quill and Quire 55.2 (1989): 25. Includes a review of Hiram and Jenny.
- Moore, Robert. 'Poems for the Soul Reborn into an Age of "Stringent Myths"' (review of Dove Legend). Books in Canada 31.6 (2002): 36-37.
- Murray, George. 'Collecting Outram' (article on Benedict Abroad), Maisonneuve, 2 Dec. 2004.
- Rae, Ian. 'Loving and Leaving' Canadian Literature180 (2004): 167-69. Includes a review of Dove Legend.
- Reibetanz, Julie. 'Poetry.' University of Toronto Quarterly 72.1 (2002/03): 207-55. 'Letters in Canada 2001' poetry survey; includes a review of Dove Legend.
- [Review of Mogul Recollected.] Matrix 43 (1994): 78-80.
- Roberts, Paul. [Review of Selected Poems 1960-1980], Books in Canada, June/July 1985, p.26-27
- Robertson, P. J. M. 'Tragedy-inspired poems show visionary power' (review of Mogul Recollected). Ottawa Citizen, 12 Feb. 1994: B8.
- Ruthig, Ingrid. [Review of South of North: Images of Canada], Northern Poetry Review (online), 23 Dec. 2008.
- Shedden, Lee. 'Collections worth the read' (includes review of Dove Legend). Calgary Herald 5 Feb. 2005: G5.
- Solway, David. 'Reading Richard Outram.' Director's Cut. Erin, Ont.: Porcupine's Quill, 2003. A version of his essay from Canadian Notes & Queries 63.
- Starnino, Carmine. 'The Other Outram'. A Lover's Quarrel. Erin, Ont.: Porcupine's Quill, 2004. A version of his essay from Canadian Notes & Queries 63.
- Szumigalski, Anne. [Review of Mogul Recollected.] Arc 33 (1994): 77-78.
- Vulpé, Nicola. [Review of Selected Poems 1960-1980.] Journal of Canadian Poetry 1 (1986): 88-91.
- Wells, Zachariah. [Review of South of North: Images of Canada.] Arc 60 (2008): 135.
Obituaries and memorial poems
- Black, J. D. 'For Richard Outram' (poem). Black Velvet Elvis. Erin, Ont.: Porcupine's Quill, 2006. 39.
- Clifford, Wayne. 'In Memoriam: Richard Outram' (poem). DA: A Journal of the Printing Arts 56 (2005): 44.
- Donaldson, Jeffery. 'LET'. For Richard Outram, in memoriam (poem). Palilalia. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2008. p.73.
- Dunphy, Catherine. 'A poet voiceless without his muse'. Toronto Star 21 Feb. 2005: B5.
- Heighton, Steven. 'Outram Lake' (poem). The New Quarterly 105 (2008): 10-11.
- Martin, Sandra. 'Richard Outram, Poet (1930-2005).' The Globe and Mail 1 Feb. 2005: R5.
- Murray, George. 'Go' (poem). The Rush to Here: Poems. Gibsons, B.C.: Nightwood, 2007. 73.
- Sanger, Peter. 'Walking in Snow' (poem). Aiken Drum. Kentville, N.S.: Gaspereau, 2006. 76.
- Zitner, S. P. 'In Memory of Richard Outram' (poem). The Hunt on the Lagoon. Fredericton, N.B.: Goose Lane, 2005. 92.
Richard Outram's works copyright © to The Estate of the Author.