Margaret Lindsay Holton
while handsome bullrushes finally spear up
as drooping willows listfully weep
and a miniature tree frog chorus bellows
at a throaty red-winged black bird swaying
while big mud turtles freeze frame
as daring dragonflies whiz by
and feverish minnows hopefully charge
at long-limbed water spiders skating
while wood ducks snort green algae
as black-eyed snakes weave ribbons
and Queen Anne ruffles her fine lace
at a common thistle braying
while merry buttercups pucker up
as delicate bluebells dingle dangle
and a Great Blue Heron stares
at a prickly porcupine playing
while broad leaf burdocks brood
as Virgina creepers steal wild grapes
and Canadian geese back paddle
at a coyotes wet shadow fleeting
while a young buck antlers tilt
as several barn swallows swoop
and mysterious brown bats dervish
at mosquitoes buzzing flourish
— this pond lives on
It had it all.
As I recall.
Margaret Lindsay Holton's works copyright © to the author.