- in search of innocence jack long len fourrier
co-producksyun jack long direktor len fourrier
produser film abt vancouvr writrs artists
cbc nfb 1963
- strange grey day this maurice embra direktor n
produser cbc nbc film abt my work in
painting n writing n th times around me 1966
- video poetree reeding with erin moure n robert
priest gordon montador producksyun 1989
sound prformans poets tvo film abt sound n
prformans poets 1995 clifton joseph n nigel
hunt direktors
- l'escorte feetyur film denis langlois direktor n
bertrand lachance produser scenario by denis
langlois n bertrand lachance in wch my paintings
ar part uv th storee line wun uv th main charaktrs
is a paintr whos works ar my paintings 1996 world
premiere at th toronto intrnasyunal film festival
- bills brain stephanie harper direktor n produser
a film abt myself paintings writings 1996 in
post producksyun
- raging kedrik james direktor yasha spong produsr
film abt sound n prformans poets 1997 bravo teevee
- bp pushing th boundaries brian nash direktor 1997
me n othr poets show up talking abt bpNichol
bill bisset's works copyright © to the author.