- University of Waterloo, 1983-1985
- University of New Brunswick, Summer Session 1985
- Vancouver Public Library, National Book Week 1986
- Festival of the Written Arts, Pender Harbour, B.C. 1987
- Ganaraska Writer's Colony, Fiction Workshop. June 26 - July 9, 1988
- Sidney Public Library, Sidney, B.C. Short-term Writer-in-Residence April, 1989
- Ganges High School, Short-term-Writer-in-Residence, November 1989, February 1991
- George P. Vanier Secondary School, B.C. Short-term Writer-in- Residency, May 1991
- Kaslo Summer School of the Arts, Short-term-writer-in-Residence, August 1991
- University of Western Ontario, 1992-1993
- Festival of the Written Arts, Sechelt, B.C. November 11-14, 1993, May 23-27, 1994
- Writer-in-Electronic-Residence, 1991-1998 (ongoing) (writer online and writer/moderator through York University and the Writers' Development Trust
- Banff Centre for the Arts, November 1994
- University of Toronto Presidential Writer-in-Residence Fellowship, 1995
- Victoria School of Writing, 1996, 1998
Susan Musgrave's works copyright © to the author.