- toronto writers workshop 2 weeks 1975
- writer in residens
universitee uv western ontario london ontario 1985-1986
- writer in libraree woodstock libraree woodstock ontario 1987-88
- SEE school toronto (etobicoke) 1994 & 1995 & 1996
nd 97 5 dayze each ovr 2 months workshoping with
peopul studeeing creativ writing
- york universitee wintr 1993 3 dayze creativ writing
teeching wun on wun full day offis hours
- workshop teeching young authors conferens kamloops
bc may 1996 97 n 98
- unb frederikton nu brunswick work sharing writr in
residensee with carol malyon each working 4 months
uv a total 8 month kontrakt myself jan - april 98 incl
- capilano college north van bc
oct 2000
bill bisset's works copyright © to the author.